Parameter boundaries for the heteroepitaxial growth of REBCO films by e-beam quantitative evaporation on inclined substrate deposited MgO buffered Hastelloy tapes

The technology of electron beam (e-beam) quantitative evaporation of oxide powders at THEVA is quite unique among the many standard in-situ growth methods of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) films. As well known for YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) film growth the temperature and oxygen pressure should be in proximity of the YBCO stability line in the Bormann diagram. In case of e-beam quantitative evaporation, we observe a shift in the DyBa2Cu3O7-x (DyBCO) stability line towards lower pressures and higher temperatures compared to YBCO. We investigated the temperature and oxygen partial pressure boundaries of epitaxial DyBCO growth on inclined substrate deposited MgO (ISD-MgO) buffered Hastelloy tapes. For completeness, the influence of powder stoichiometry and evaporation rate on HTS epitaxial growth is shown. For the first time high-quality HTS films have been grown by e-beam quantitative evaporation without employing an oxygen shuttle and with oxygen in the chamber background instead.
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