Premature Rupture of Membranes and associated Factors among PregnantWomen admitted in Maternity Ward, Amhara Regional State ReferralHospitals, North-West Ethiopia. Institutional Based Cross-Sectional Study

Premature rupture of the fetal membranes is spontaneous rupture of the membranes any time above 28th week of pregnancy but before the onset of labor. Its occurring before 37 weeks of gestation is usually referred to as preterm premature rupture of the membranes.Previous findings show that 8 to 10% of pregnant women present with this problem at term as well as from 2 to 4% and 7 to 20% of pregnant women developed premature rupture of membranes at preterm for all singleton and twin pregnancies respectively [2]. But these studies are reporting little about associated factors of premature rupture of the membranes. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify risk factors of premature rupture of membranes among pregnant women admitted in Amhara regional state Hospitals, North West Ethiopia.
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