Vegetation and flora of the river-basin of the Gačnik stream (Vojsko, Spodnja Trebuša) – a contribution for its nature protection evaluation / Rastje in rastlinstvo povodja Gačnika na Vojskem in v Trebuši – prispevek za njegovo naravovarstveno vrednotenje

We have summarized results of our research of vegetation and flora in the river-basin of the Gacnik (Vojsko, Dolenja Trebusa) in western Slovenia. We enumerate most frequent and characteristic plant communities, which belong to seven habitat types of European conservation importance. In their stands grow two Natura 2000 species (Primula carniolica, Cypripedium calceolus) and almost 60 vascular plant species, which are protected and (or) on the red list. Among communities and plants are the most threatened fens and moist grasslands and their characteristic species: Drosera rotundifolia, Dactylorhiza lapponicasubsp. rhaetica, D. traunsteineri, Eleocharis quinqueflora,Eriophorum angustifolium, E. latifolium, Pinguicula vulgaris and Trichophorum alpinum. Key words: vegetation, flora, wetlands, fens, Natura 2000, Slovenia   Izvlecek V clanku smo povzeli rezultate nasih raziskav rastja in rastlinstva v povodja Gacnika na Vojskem in v Trebusi v zahodni Sloveniji. Nastevamo najbolj pogoste in najbolj znacilne rastlinske združbe, zavarovane in redke rastline in naravovarstveno vredne habitatne tipe. Slednjih je vsaj sedem. V njihovih združbah uspevata dve Natura 2000 vrsti (Primula carniolica, Cypripedium calceolus) in skoraj 60 zavarovanih in (ali) redkih cevnic (rdeci seznam). Med združbami so najbolj ogrožena mokrisca (nizka barja in mokrotni travniki) in njihove znacilne vrste: Drosera rotundifolia, Dactylorhiza lapponicasubsp. rhaetica, D. traunsteineri, Eleocharis quin­queflora,Eriophorum angustifolium, E. latifolium, Pinguicula vulgaris in Trichophorum alpinum. Kljucne besede: vegetacija, flora, mokrisca, nizka barja, Natura 2000, Slovenija
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