Aszód–Papi földek késő neolitikus lelőhely: kapcsolat kelet és nyugat között = Aszód–Papi földek Late Neolithic site: Connection between East and West

Aszod–Papi foldek a keső neolitikum europai jelentősegű lelőhelye, ahol egy nagy kiterjedesű telepules es hozza tartozo 224 sir kerult elő. A projekt eredmenyekent 16 kutato reszvetelevel elkeszult a lelőhely monografikus feldolgozasanak kezirata. A monografia tartalmazza a teljes leletanyag, telepulesi jelensegek es az osszes temetkezes nemcsak regeszeti, hanem interdiszciplinaris modszerekkel vegzett vizsgalatat. A leletanyag a Tisza- es a Lengyel-kultura anyagi kulturajanak, szokasainak szimbiozisat tukrozi. A sok kozos vonas athatja a telepules es a temetkezesek kozos helyet es rendjet, a mindennapi elet legkulonfelebb targyait, behatol a temetkezesi ritusba, a szellemi szfera es az anyagi kultura csaknem minden reszletebe. A palyazati tamogatasbol elsősorban termeszettudomanyos vizsgalatokat vegeztunk: 1. a keramia petrografiai vizsgalata bebizonyitotta, hogy a tiszai stilusu edenyek helyben keszultek, 2. a Spondylus ekszerek stabilizotop-geokemiai vizsgalatai alapjan az Adriai- es az Egei-tengerből szarmazhattak, 3. a lelőhely kornyezetenek rekonstrualasa feltarta az egykori kornyezet mozaikossagat es az emberi megtelepedes kornyezetre gyakorolt hatasat, 4. az uj AMS radiokarbon meresek alapjan a lelőhely sokkal pontosabban, Kr.e. 4760-4670 koze keltezhető, 5. az archaeozoologiai elemzes a vadaszat jelentősegere mutatott ra. Ezek mellett elkeszult a csonteszkozok feldolgozasa es a temetkezesek tarsadalomregeszeti elemzese. A kutatas eredmenyeit rendszeresen publikaltuk. | Aszod-Papi foldek, where an extensive Late Neolithic settlement and 224 graves were found, is one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe. As a result of this research project the manuscript of the site’s monographic publication has been prepared by 16 authors. This manuscript contains not only the archaeological but interdisciplinary analysis of the whole find material, settlement features and all burials. The finds represent the mixture of the Tisza and Lengyel cultures. Several common traits could be found in the common place and features of settlement and burials, in the everyday life, in almost every part of the material culture and the cognitive sphere. The financial support were primary used for interdisciplinary analyses: 1. the petrographic analysis of the pottery revealed that Tisza style vessels were local products, 2. stabile isotope geochemical analyses of Spondylus finds proved that the origin of their raw material could be both the Adriatic and the Aegean, 3. the paleoenvironmental analyses could reconstruct a mosaic natural environment around the site and found the traces of human impact on the environment, 4. new series of AMS radiocarbon data could much more precisely date the site between 4760 (68.2%) 4670 cal BC, 5. archaeozzological analysis showed the importance of hunting. Complete study of bone tools and social archaeological analysis of burials were also prepared. The results of the research project were regularly published.
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