The View of Marxist Civilization: an Investigation Based on Family, Private Ownership and the Origin of the State

The family, Private Ownership and the Origins of the State is a representative work of Friedrich Engels who systematically studies the problems of civilization with historical materialism. His main thoughts on civilization are based on the research achievements of Marx, Morgan and others, which are embodied in four aspects: the theory of the origin of civilization, the theory of the progress of civilization, the theory of the motive force of civilization and the theory of the progress of civilization. From the perspective of the development history of human civilization, the emergence of family, private ownership and state is an important symbol of human entering the era of civilization. The course of civilization has gone through the stages of development from barbarism to civilization and from low to high. In the final analysis, the driving force of civilization development is production and reproduction in the real society. The progress of civilization is embodied in the concrete practice of history. One is the progress of civilization relative to barbarism, and the other is the progress of civilization itself. The study of the civilization thought in Engels's Family, Private Ownership and the Origins of the State can provide powerful theoretical guidance for us to cope with the new challenges of global civilization and promote the development and progress of human civilization.
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