Mitigasi Bencana untuk Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar

The geographical condition of Indonesia, which is located in the ring of fire, has an impact on the frequent occurrence of natural disasters. Disasters often cause loss of life and material, this loss of life and material can be minimized if the community has awareness of disaster mitigation. Mitigation. Empowering children from an early age to understand disaster mitigation is the first step in building a disaster-aware community. Disaster Mitigation Socialization for Elementary School Students was held in Gegarang Village, Bintang District, Central Aceh Regency. The target of this activity is to form a disaster awareness attitude from childhood so that when they grow up they will be trained and have a disaster awareness attitude. Target The achievement of this activity is to form a mindset about what a disaster is and how to behave and behave when a disaster occurs. Indicators of Achievement Through this activity, it is hoped that the children will be able to tell the environment around them what they will do if a disaster occurs. The Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Socialization activity which was carried out at the Gegarang Village Elementary School, Bintang Subdistrict, Central Aceh Regency went smoothly, the children were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity. This happens because the activities are packaged in a fun way and the socialization media chosen are very close to the world of children, namely animated videos
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