Das jüdische Theater in Polen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

The Jewish theater in Poland has a long tradition, with Warsaw as its focal point and origin. Even before 1918, Jewish theatrical life there was lively. Between the two World Wars there were several theaters playing simultaneously in Warsaw. The history of the Jewish theater is closely connected with the Kaminski family of actors. Ida Kaminska, the daughter of the actress Esther Rachel Kaminska, was the decisive force in re-establishing the Jewish theater in Poland after the second World war. At first there were two troupes, playing in Lodz and in Breslau. Since 1955 there has been a Jewish State Theater, located in Warsaw. Its repertory consists mainly of the Jewish classics, and it also devotes itself to the maintenance and cultivation of Jewish folklore and literature. Its dramatic style is also traditional; this is the strength of the theater. With the exception of the East European nations, it has been highly successful in Performances on international tours through the entire world. The main problem of the Jewish State Theater is the lack of Jewish audiences. There are only around 25.000 Jews now living in Poland. In addition, younger Jews usually do not know Jiddish. The theater has not succeeded in attracting the interest of larger numbers of non-Jewish Poles. The task of recruiting young actors is also a problem. Furthermore, the Situation of the theater has deteriorated in connection with the recent war in the Near East. A considerable number of good actors have left Poland of late, including Ida Kaminska and her immediate family. In spite of these problems, the Polish government will undoubtedly continue to keep the theater running by subsidies, as long as it is capable of staging plays at all.
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