BYOD et innovations managériales en contexte hospitalier : mise en évidence d’une logique d’adoption inversée

BYOD and management innovations in a hospital context: highlighting a reversed adoption logic. This research focuses on BYOD-Bring Your Own Device, i.e. the use of personal devices (laptops, tablets and smartphones) in a professional context. BYOD offers the possibility of working differently and facilitates the generation of management innovations. However, BYOD involves security risks. These risks are particularly significant in hospitals, because patient data are sensitive. Consequently, the research question addressed is: to what extent may the apprehension of risks and opportunities of BYOD in a hospital context be a source of management innovations? A theoretical analysis is conducted with regard to management innovations facilitated by BYOD, integrating the risks stemming from its practices. From a theoretical point of view, this research highlights specifically the IT reversed adoption logic related to BYOD, highlighting the fact that management innovations are both facilitated by BYOD-related practices and induced by the implementation of solutions addressing their related risks. From a practical point of view, taking into account the changes to which hospitals are confronted requires a reflection in terms of innovations via BYOD-related practices that can help them to change their practices and their management policies.
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