Die actio quasi Publiciana im byzantinischen Recht

Die actio quasi Publiciana im byzantinischen Recht. In literature, D. 17,1,57 has been extensively discussed. In this fragment the former owner could reclaim his property by using the actio Publiciana, notwithstanding that the defendants had in good faith acquired ownership by acquisitive prescription (usucapio). The actio Publiciana in D. 17,1,57 should be interpreted as a special form of the actio Publiciana, which was normally given to a possessor in good faith. From Basilica-scholia it can be deduced that this special action, mentioned as actio quasi Publiciana, also applies in other cases. In Justinianic and Byzantine law the judge had to evaluate whether it was right that the defendant could raise an exceptio iusti dominii against this special form of the actio Publiciana.
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