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Ett pensionsgap i kommunikationen

In recent years, the pension gap (differences in disbursed pension) has been a discussed topic in both riksdagen and organizations like LO. Since 2016 Pensionsgruppen has been working with reduce this gap. Pensionsmyndigheten who’s working with pensions in Sweden has a mission from riksdagen to inform the public about pensions. The aim of the study is to examine Pensionsmyndighetens external communication from a feminist perspective. Feminism assumes that the (Swedish) society has a structural inequality and a gender power structure which can be seen in, among other things, the pension gap. To investigate this, I have used critical discourse analysis and studied parts of Pensionsmyndigheten communication and documents linked to it. I've used three notions: Pensionsmyndigheten, pension and pensionssparare/pensionarer, and studied the discourses around them, to further connect them to the social practice that is a part of this type of CDA. The result shows that Pensionsmyndigheten external communication in some ways has been reproducing the structural inequality since they do not elucidate anything about the pension gap. (Less)
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