Аналіз гідротехнологічної складової індустріальних акваферм за замкнутого водопостачання

Modern technologies of raising of trout, sturgeon, тилапії, пенгасіуса and other aquatic lives is a difficult many-sided process to that the row of factors is brought over: fish and microflora of biofilter, and an unifying link water serves as. An important value for raising of fish has water temperature, pH, owner of chemical composition and salts. Throughout the growing season, the water temperature in the pools of the exper-imental farm ranged from 6,6-14,3°C. These temperatures are included in the generally accepted range of optimal temperatures of 7-18°C, at which the appetite of rainbow trout is the best. Outside this range, the fish loses its appetite, and if it reaches critical levels, it does not eat at all. There is a direct correlation between the intensity of nutrition and the efficiency of use of feed consumed. The smell of water was studied in two thermal conditions - at 20 and 60°C. Sig-nificant differences in smell in water with different temperatures were not found. Low pH levels reduce the efficiency of biofiltration, and high pH causes a toxic effect, so it is important to adjust the pH according to the efficiency of the biofilter. On the different stages of development a rainbow trout differently reacts on the unfavorable values of рН. The optimal and possible ranges of рН of water for the different age-re-lated groups of raising differ also. Most favorable for development of rainbow trout is water of middle inflexibility. During the research period, the chloride content in the water never exceeded the standard values. However, this indicator was also characterized by seasonal dynamics. In March, the amount of chloride was at the level of 540 mg / dm3, the October indicator increased by 1,24 times, and in December again decreased almost to the March value. The amount of sulfates in all the studied samples did not exceed the MPC and was on average 5 times less. The total iron content did not exceed the standard. It is the indicator of iron content that is key for closed water supply systems that further indicates the survival of young people in the settings. An increase in the iron content in water is dangerous for fish, since iron hydroxide can precipitate on their gill lobes and impair respiration and ion exchange. The organism’s vulnerability to diseases also increases significantly.
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