What determines the HI gas content in galaxies?: morphological dependence of the HI gas fraction across M*-SFR plane.

We perform a stacking analysis of the HI spectra from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) survey for optically-selected local galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to study the average gas fraction of galaxies at fixed stellar mass ($M_*$) and star formation rate (SFR). We first confirm that the average gas fraction strongly depends on the stellar mass and SFR of host galaxies; massive galaxies tend to have a lower gas fraction, and actively star-forming galaxies show higher gas fraction, which is consistent with many previous studies. Then we investigate the morphological dependence of the HI gas mass fraction at fixed $M_*$ and SFR to minimize the effects of these parameters. We use three morphological classifications based on parametric indicator (S\'{e}rsic index), non-parametric indicator (C-index), and visual inspection (smoothness from the Galaxy Zoo 2 project) on the optical image. We find that there is no significant morphological dependence of the HI gas mass fraction at fixed $M_*$ and SFR when we use C-index. In comparison, there exists a hint of diminishment in the HI gas mass fraction for "smooth" galaxies compared with "non-smooth" galaxies. We find that the visual smoothness is sensitive to the existence of small-scale structures in a galaxy. Our result suggests that even at fixed $M_*$ and SFR, the presence of such small-scale structures (seen in the optical image) is linked to their total HI gas content.
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