Web service for searching the data about organic farms

Web service that enables user to use the implemented search mechanism to find the data about organic farms food offer. User can use filters to narrow search results, which are asynchronously represented on the screen. There are two types of filters. Filter »Search phrase« allows users to limit search results by entering their own words. Other filters (brand name, district, ward, farm status, farm offer, specialities) have options given in advance. Searching results is a list of organic farms with the following data: district, full address, contact person, farm title, details, contact, organisation, time and place to sell, harvest and food, links to presentation page, offsite web pages, their Google maps locations. Web application includes presentation pages for each organic food producer. Producers are able to login or register. When logged in, the user is redirected to administration page, where he or she can update some of the data and create his/her own HTML presentation.
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