Genome-Mined Diels–Alderase Catalyzes Formation of the cis-Octahydrodecalins of Varicidin A and B

Pericyclases are an emerging family of enzymes catalyzing pericyclic reactions. A class of lipocalin-like enzymes recently characterized as Diels–Alderases (DAses) catalyze decalin formation through intramolecular Diels–Alder (IMDA) reactions between electron-rich dienes and electron-deficient dienophiles. Using this class of enzyme as a beacon for genome mining, we discovered a biosynthetic gene cluster from Penicillium variabile and identified that it encodes for the biosynthesis of varicidin A (1), a new antifungal natural product containing a cis-octahydrodecalin core. Biochemical analysis reveals a carboxylative deactivation strategy used in varicidin biosynthesis to suppress the nonenzymatic IMDA reaction of an early acyclic intermediate that favors trans-decalin formation. A P450 oxidizes the reactive intermediate to yield a relatively unreactive combination of an electron-deficient diene and an electron-deficient dienophile. The DAse PvhB catalyzes the final stage IMDA on the carboxylated intermed...
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