The Impementation of Integrated Learning in The Islamic Religious Educationto Raise The Faith Devotion of The Students of State Seniour High Schools in Purwokerto

ABSTRACT Purpose: The primary objective of the Islamic Religious Education is to create amalus-solikhah, that is, the formation of pieties, both individual piety and social piety. The process of the piety formation is due to the ingrained faith and devotion to God. The process of the faith and devotion formation is achieved through tafakur and tadhabur, based on God the Almighty’s creations. Therefore, the the Islamic Religious Education is necessary to be integrated into the Natural Sciences so that there will be an integrity between the kauliyah verse with the kauniyah verse. Method:This research used a research and development study. One of the characteristics of such a study is product. One of the products of this research is the integrated thematic learning of the Islamic Religious Education with the Natural Sciences in the form of learning scenario in syllabus and lesson plan. Findings:The results of the research shows that the implementation of the integrated learning in the integrated thematic learning of the Islamic Religious Education with the Natural Sciences at State Senior Secondary Schools in Purwokerto city is very significant in improving the faith and devotion of the students, as indicated by the results of the experimental study in which the implementation of the integrated learning is very effective and the responses of the students toward it, are indeed very good.
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