Considerations on the phytogeographic division of Slovenia

BIOGEOGFIAPHIA — vol. XIII — 1987 Biogeografia delle Alpi Sud-Orientali Considerations on the phytogeographic division of Slovenia MITJA ZUPANCIC, LOJZE MARINCEK, ANDRE] sELIsKAR, IVO PUNCER Biol. 2725!. fovzzmz Hddfi/Z1, ZmzzzstzxelzomzzLtk0wz[m' center SAZU, Ljzzbljmzcz SUMMARY The paper constitutes an attempt at 21 further supplemented, changed and more detailed phyt0ge- ographic division of Slovenia. Slovenia is divided into an Alpine—highnordic, a Euro—Siberian—Northamer- ican and a mediterranean region. The regions are divided into 4 provinces, 5 sectors, 7 subsectors and 25 districts. Ever since the IInd World War, especially so in the last thirty years, a systematic and continued research of the vegetation in Slovenia has provided a solid basis for the phytogeographic division of Slovenia. The first attempt at such a division was made by M. Wraber as early as in 1960 when present- ing a phytosociological division of the forest vegetation of Slovenia. Taking into account older authors (G. Beck-Mannagetta 1907-1913, A. Hayek 1907, 1923) and his own contemporaries 0. Braun Blanquet 1951-1964, I. Horvat 1954, S. Horvatie 1957, 1967) he later prepared and published the first phy- togeographic division of Slovenia together with a corresponding phytogeo- graphic map. He divided Slovenia into 6 phytogeographic regions: Alpine, Dinaric, submediterranean, sub-Pannonian, pre—Dinaric and pre—Alpine. The basis for this division was derived from the then available investigations and maps of the real forest vegetation. His phytogeographic division met with a general and favourable reception. M. Wraber was aware of the imperfection of his thesis and drew attention to the necessity of supplements and amend- ments. The present state of science and an ever deeper knowledge of the real and the potential natural vegetation of Slovenia, as well as of the phytoge- ographic division of flora and fauna of Central Europe and Yugoslavia in particular (H. Meusel et al. 1965-1978, M. Wraber 1969, I. Horvat, V. Gla- vae, H. Ellenberg 1974, P. Fukarek 1977, 1979, I. Trinajstie 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978,1980, 1981, 1986) have made it possible for us to introduce some amendments into the basic phytogeographic division of Slovenia, its division into smaller units — districts — and also the inclusion thereof into higher phy- togeographic units. 89
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