The Present Conditions of Rural Youth Welfare Facilities and Policy Measures for Development

Rural youth welfare was defined to provide the preventive services as well as the protective and curative services such as education, job training, youth activity, delinquency prevention, etc. for rural youth who live in rural society, including who go out to metropolitan city for study. Based on this concept, the rural youth related facilities and problems were investigated in the area of education, culture and leisure, career, and problematic behavior. The results were identified that the efforts of government and rural related institutions were in sufficient to establish and improve the facilities for rural youth, and the gap between rural and urban youth facilities was extended increasingly, in spite of seriousness of those rural youth problems. Some of policies and programs were proposed in order to improve rural youth welfare; 1) To establish at least one activity facility in every Eup ; 2) To convert the public culture facilities such as museums, fine art museums, exhibition facilities, etc. into the culture and art facilities for rural youth; 3) To establish rural youth job information center in the agricultural technology and extension center; 4) To convert school to rural youth education and cultural center; 5) To establish the comprehensive welfare facilities for rural youth in metropolitan city.】
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