Clarifying the interaction between ideas and architectural works in the Achaemenid era

The circle formed in the course of surveying the movement from idea to work--which makes the act of creation--and from work to idea--which is concerned with the sphere of thinking, cognition and perception--leads to the formation of culture and civilization. Formation of any civilization is a direct result of interaction between ideas and forms. If there is no idea, there will be no form, and if there is no form, promotion of idea will be meaningless. From the ancient time, the religious-mythical idea, as a whole idea, has been leading to other ideas including philosophical, mystical and political ideas. Architecture, as a historical form, has been the outcome of interactions between the triple ideas proposed under the religious idea. In this study, an attempt is made to explain the role of each idea in the creation of architectural works of Achaemenid civilization by defining them. It also aims to review the historical form of the Achaemenid era, which was based on a philosophical-political idea, in order to investigate the role of this period in relation to architectural form which is addressed with a kind of pluralism. In other words, the main objective was to clarify the interaction between the prevailing notion of time and architectural works.
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