A Distributed-Framework for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Water Resources

As part of the NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Water Resources at the University of Florida (UF), the students are provided with a unique opportunity to understand the linkages between research and extension, while conducting interdisciplinary research in water resources. The eight-week REU Program utilizes the extensive infrastructure of UF – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) through the Research and Education Centers (RECs). Some students are located at the main campus, in Gainesville, FL, while others students are distributed offcampus, at the RECs, where some of the UF/IFAS faculty are located. This year, three students are conducting research internationally. The students achieve an enriching cohort experience through social networking, daily blogs, and weekly video conferences to share their research and other REU experiences. Several projects for the students involve extension-oriented research working with faculties who have significant extension appointments. All the students are introduced to various types of extension activities across Florida during the Orientation and the 5-day Florida Waters Tour across the state. They learn about water issues in different sectors and visit farms, homes, and the Water Management Districts. Feedback and assessment forms from the past years’ Program indicate that, for most students, our Program was their first exposure to extension in water resources. This model of providing integrated research and extension opportunities in hydrology, where not all the REU participants are physically co-located, is unique and can be extended to other disciplines.
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