Updating of Attentional and Premotor Allocation Resources as function of previous trial outcome

The neural bases of the inter-trial validity/invalidity sequential effects in a visuo-auditory modified version of the Central Cue Posner's Paradigm (CCPP) are analyzed by means of Early Directing Attention Negativity (EDAN), Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) and Lateralized Readiness Potential (LRP). ERPs results indicated an increase in CNV and LRP in trials preceded by valid trials compared to trials preceded by invalid trials. The CNV and LRP pattern would be highly related to the behavioral pattern of lower RTs and higher number of anticipations in trials preceded by valid with respect to trials preceded by invalid trials. This effect was not preceded by a modulation of the EDAN as a result of the previous trial condition. The results suggest that there is a trial-by-trial dynamic modulation of the attentional system as a function of the validity assigned to the cue, in which conditional probabilities between cue and target are continuously updated.
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