Educação em saúde bucal em uma creche pública municipal no interior do Ceará

Objective: To describe the process of development and implementation of an educational program in oral health for children and share the experiences encountered in this process. Experience Report: This is an experience report on oral health education activities for children from 1 to 6 years old, which were developed by an oral health team in a public daycare center in the countryside of the state of Ceara. Actions such as storytelling through dramatization, supervised brushing, educational lectures, projected video, and action focused on the involvement of parents through an educational lecture by the dentist in the routine meeting of the daycare for parents and guardians were carried out. Final considerations: The oral health education actions performed were important to contribute to the stimulation of healthy habits and oral hygiene. The children were motivated and according to the report of some parents, teachers and coordinators some changes in behavior were observed in a positive way. In addition, for the teachers, coordinators and health professionals involved, the experienced encountered strengthened and contributed to a better quality of life for these children and their families.
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