Pengaruh Struktur Modal dan Umur Perusahaan terhadap Rentabilitas Modal Sendiri pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2017

This study aims to determine the effect of Capital Structure and Age of the Company on Own Capital Rentability. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2017. sampling in this study using a purposive sampling method (Purposive Sampling Method). Based on the established criteria, there are 22 manufacturing companies that deserve to be sampled. The data source is secondary data presented on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Hypothesis testing in this study uses multiple linear regression (Multiple Regression) with the help of SPSS 17. To test the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable used the t test. After analyzing the data. Several conclusions are obtained. The data distribution used is normal, the research model is free from autocorrelation, multicollinearity, and heterokedastisitas. Variable capital structure and age of the company have a significant influence on the profitability of its own capital.
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