Beneficial effect of enriched air nitrox on bubble formation during scuba diving. An open-water study

ABSTRACTBubble formation during scuba diving might induce decompression sickness.This prospective randomised and double-blind study included 108 advanced recreational divers (38 females). Fifty-four pairs of divers, 1 breathing air and the other breathing nitrox28 undertook a standardised dive (24 ± 1 msw; 62 ± 5min) in the Red Sea. Venous gas bubbles were counted (Doppler) 30–<45 min (early) and 45–60 min (late) post-dive at jugular, subclavian and femoral sites.Only 7% (air) vs. 11% (air28®) (n.s.) were bubble-free after a dive. Independent of sampling time and breathing gas, there were more bubbles in the jugular than in the femoral vein. More bubbles were counted in the air-group than in the air28-group (pooled vein: early: 1845 vs. 948; P = 0.047, late: 1817 vs. 953; P = 0.088). The number of bubbles was sex-dependent. Lastly, 29% of female air divers but only 14% of male divers were bubble-free (P = 0.058).Air28® helps to reduce venous gas emboli in recreational divers. The bubble number depended on...
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