Immature T-cell clustering and efficient differentiation require the polarity protein Scribble

T-cell polarization is required for cell migration and cell–cell interactions, cellular behaviors crucial for lymphocyte differentiation. Despite expression of the epithelial polarity network in T cells, neither its contribution to thymocyte polarity nor its requirement during development is known. We report here that depletion of the polarity protein Scribble in hematopoietic progenitor cells results in inefficient T-cell development characterized by a partial developmental block during the early double-negative (DN) stage of differentiation. Scribble-depleted hematopoietic progenitor cells exhibit a delayed transition into late CD44lo/−CD25+ DN3 cells, evidenced by the accumulation of early CD44intCD25+ DN3 cells. As a consequence, a limited cellular expansion and a reduced frequency of intracellular T-cell receptor β–positive DN3 cells are observed among Scribble-deficient differentiating T cells. Moreover, whereas purified Scribble-depleted DN2 and DN3 cells do not exhibit compromised spontaneous motility, T-cell clustering and prolonged homotypic interactions among such cells are reduced. This deficiency correlates with a lack of polarization of the integrin LFA-1 during T-cell migration or on the initiation of T-cell–T-cell interactions. Scribble is therefore a critical contributor to the clustering of immature T cells, an event shown here to be necessary for efficient developmental progression.
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