Obozowisko mezolityczne w Koronowie, stan. 5, woj. bydgoskie (Ze studiów nad grupą chojnicką w dorzeczu Brdy)

The paper presents Mesolithic flint material from Site 5 at Koronowo, Bydgoszcz province. It was discovered following information in T. Waga's monographic work on Corded Ware culture in Great Poland (Poznan 1931). This pre-W.W.II publication describes vast collection of segments, including 24 trapezes, numbering to a few dozens of artifacts, and also accompanying them scrapers, endscapers, cores and numerous small blades. According to T. Waga the site yielded also a few potsherds of the Corded Ware culture and one heart-shape arrowhead. This important material has never been utilized in studies on Mesolithic of Pomerania. Artifacts from T. Waga's survey have got lost. It is possible, however, to reconstruct their original location within the village of Koronowo. In 1987 and 1995, during surface survey of this site, there was collected an assemblage of 300 Mesolithic artifacts, all found in compact concentration of 50 sq., meters, on terrace VI of Brda. It includes 26 tools, 18 cores, 141 blades and flakes and 150 small splinters. Segments from the site at Koronowo are represented by small triangles of obtuse angle, points of the Nowy Mlyn type, truncated blades of the Pienkow type, trapezes, and others. These artifacts indicate that the site is related with the late phase of the Chojnice group (turn of Atlantic and Sub-Boreal periods). Context analysis of the assemblage from Koronowo utilized stylistic elements of the raw material. It was because Mesolithic inventories in the Brda basin contain often tool types of various taxonomic units. Metric characteristics of blades from site 5 at Koronowo are close to related parameters recognized in following assemblages: Swornegacie I, IIA, IIB, III, VI, and Bydgoszcz-Jachcice. The literature assigns these assemblages on the ground of typology, disregarding style, to the circle of post-Maglemose tradition. Uniform parameters of blades from Meikal 6, 7a, 7b, 11, and from Zbyrzyca, place them into a separate group, that w
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