Arguing islamophobia during COVID-19 outbreaks: A consideration using Khusūs Al-Balwaū

The threat of Islamophobia continues to surface The latest is related to COVID-19 Islam considered as the source of the virus suddenly went viral, even with the hashtag #coronajihad The implementation of religious rituals by ignoring social distance by certain groups can be one of the triggers besides propaganda and conspiracy from anti-Islam This article aims to provide an argument against Islamophobia with consideration of Khusus Al Balwa The approach used is a combination of normative and empirical facts amid the heterogeneity of Muslims during the pandemic An interesting finding from this research shows that khusus al-balwa is a concept that Muslims need amid co-19 hegemony, especially in terms of providing a complex understanding to present a calming Islam rather than a threat In reality, khusus al-balwa happened a lot amid the pluralism of Muslims to prevent the outbreak of Islamophobia amid co-19 issues Consideration of khusus al balwa contribute to prevent the negative stigma that could harass verbally and physically to the muslem In fact, the special concept of al-balwa has not been much studied by observers of Islamic law which is covered because of the 'fame' of ‘umum al-balwa Khusus al-balwa has not been fully taken into consideration by the Mufti, both individuals, and institutions in bringing forth fatwa products © 2020 Lifescience Global
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