Data Transmission and Management System for Robotized Welding Station

The larg-scale production of the sea ports machinery is awaiting series of automatization. Unlike others, the welding operations are fundamental and need to be fully automatized. Till now, the manufacturing process of port machinery is carried out mainly by manual welding. However in the recent years, many welding robots have been installed which greatly increases the efficiency and quality of production. Large-scale production requires multiple operations to be processed at the same time, so the establishment of the autonomous machining is a significant and rather complex. Not only the machining operation but also autonomous data processing and transmission together with data management is here crucial. The data must be collected in the real-time. In robotized factories, the visual monitoring of the automatized machining processes is needed. We devote to automatize of the welding operation for production of the sea ports cranes. The work-pieces are here big and heavy. Therefore, the development of a system for information processing and management of automated processing welding robots can effectively solve the unified planning and data and image monitoring during production operations, which will improve the processing efficiency of large components. The general aim of the research is to improve of the welding quality and efficiency. Experiments show that the information interaction system developed by this research can better allocate existing resources and improve production efficiency.
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