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Chemical signals in vertebrates 10

Thirty years on the odor trail: From the first to the tenth international symposium on chemical signals in vertebrates -Pheromones: Convergence and contrasts in insects and vertebrates -The discovery and characterization of splendipherin, the first anuran sex pheromone -Chemically mediated mate recognition in the tailed frog -Responses to sex and species specific chemical signals in allopatric and sympatric salamander species -The pheromonal repelling response in red spotted newts -The effects of cloacal secretions on brown tree snake behavior -Species and sub species recognition in the North American beaver -Self grooming in meadow voles -Protein content of male diet does not influence proceptive behavior in female meadow voles - The signalin of competitive ability by male house mice -A possible function for female enurination in the mara - The evolution of perfume-blending and wing sacs in emballonurid bats -Behavioral responsiveness of captive giant pandas -Chemical signals in giant panda urine -Chemical communication of musth in captive Asian elephants -Chemical analysis of preovulatory female African elephant urine: A search for putative pheromones -Assessing chemical communication in elephants -The gland and the sac the preorbital apparatus of muntjacs - The chemistry of scent marking in two lemurs -Soiled bedding from group-housed females exerts strong influence on male reproductive condition - The role of the major histocompatibility complex in scent communication -Characterization of proteins in scent marks proteomics meets semiochemistry -The 'scents' of ownership -The role of scent in inter-male aggression in house mice & laboratory mice -Chemical signals and vomeronasal system function in axolotls -From the eye to the nose: ancient orbital to vomeronasal communication in tetrapods -Prey chemical signal transduction in the vomeronasal system of garter snakes -Mode of delivery of prey-derived chemoattractants to the olfactory and vomeronasal epitheliaresults in differential firing of mitral cells in the main and accessory olfactory bulds of garter snakes -Communication by mosaic signals: individual recognition and underlying neural mechanisms - Sexual dimorphism in the accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ of the gray short-tailed opossum -The neurobiology of odor-based sexual preference: the case of the golden hamster -Retention of olfactory memories by newborn infants -Human sweaty smell does not affect women's menstrual cycle -Local predation risk assessment based on low concentration chemical alarm cues in prey fishes: evidence for threat sensitivity -learned recognition of heterospecific alarm cues by prey fishes: a case study of minnows and stickleback -The response of prey fishes to chemical alarm cues: what recent field experiments reveal about the old testing paradigm -Response of juvenile goldfish to chemical alarm cues: Relationship between response intensity, response duration, and the level of predation risk -The effects of predation of phenotypic and life history variation in an aquatic vertebrate -Nocturnal shift in the antipredator response to predator diet cues in laboratory and field trials -Long term persistence of a salamander anti-predator cue - Decline in avoidance of predator chemical cues: habituation or biorhythm shift? -Chemically mediated life-histroy shifts in embryonic amphibians -Latent alarm signals: are they present in vertebrates? -Blood is not a cue for poststrike trailing in rattlesnakes -Rattlesnakes can use airborne cues during post-strike prey relocation -The sense of smell in procellariiforms: an overview and new direction -Cottontails and gopherweed: anti-feeding compunds from a spurge -Subject Index
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