Style radzenia sobie z bodźcami zagrażającymi a częstość użycia partykuł w wypowiedziach jako wskaźnik lęku w sytuacji społecznej ekspozycji

Weinberger and his collaborators distinguished three basic groups of individuals different in their styles of coping with threatening stimuli: low-anxious and high-anxious individuals, and repressors. In their own study, the authors aimed to look into speeches of the examined individuals, selected according to Weinberger’s criteria, taking into account the frequency of the use of particles, which are regarded in the literature as one of the most reliable lexical indicators of anxiety. The screening tests included 570 students, 90 of whom were selected and classified into three groups: high-anxious (N = 30), low-anxious (N = 30) and repressor individuals (N = 30). The research task, which goal was to arouse anxiety, consisted in giving a speech of several minutes in front of a video camera and an audience composed of experts. The texts of the recorded speeches have been transcribed and analysed in terms of the frequency of the use of particles marked in accordance with Slownik gniazdowy partykul polskich. The obtained results generally confirmed the assumed dependence: the particles proved to be a good predictor of anxiety, significantly differentiating between repressors, high-anxious and low-anxious individuals.
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