Local Bisection for Conformal Refinement of Unstructured 4D Simplicial Meshes.

We present a conformal bisection procedure for local refinement of 4D unstructured simplicial meshes with bounded minimum shape quality. Specifically, we propose a recursive refine to conformity procedure in two stages, based on marking bisection edges on different priority levels and defining specific refinement templates. Two successive applications of the first stage ensure that any 4D unstructured mesh can be conformingly refined. In the second stage, the successive refinements lead to a cycle in the number of generated similarity classes and thus, we can ensure a bound over the minimum shape quality. In the examples, we check that after successive refinement the mesh quality does not degenerate. Moreover, we refine a 4D unstructured mesh and a space-time mesh (3D + 1D) representation of a moving object.
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