Mercury exposure and risk in breeding and staging Alaskan shorebirds

ABSTRACT Mercury contamination has become a major concern in the Arctic, where elevated mercury deposition has led to large increases in mercury exposure for some Arctic wildlife over the past century. Chronic mercury exposure in birds is known to reduce reproductive success, which may ultimately result in population declines. Many species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds are declining, and exposure to environmental contaminants, such as mercury, may be an important factor. We quantified mercury exposure in 10 shorebird species breeding and staging in Alaska. We analyzed 229 blood and 73 feather samples collected in 2008–2009 for total mercury concentrations. Mercury in blood represents local exposure, whereas mercury in feathers reflects exposure during feather development. Concentrations of mercury ranged from 0.03 to 2.20 μg g−1 in shorebird blood and from 0.16 to 3.66 μg g−1 in shorebird feathers. Most shorebirds sampled during staging had relatively low blood mercury, but some breeding species had suffi...
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