Connectivity characterization of the mouse basolateral amygdalar complex

The basolateral amygdalar complex (BLA) is implicated in behavioral processing ranging from fear acquisition to addiction. Newer methods like optogenetics have enabled the association of circuit-specific functionality to uniquely connected BLA cell types. Thus, a systematic and detailed connectivity profile of BLA projection neurons to inform granular, cell type-specific interrogations is warranted. In this work, we applied computational analysis techniques to the results of our circuit-tracing experiments to create a foundational, comprehensive, multiscale connectivity atlas of the mouse BLA. The analyses identified three domains within the classically defined anterior BLA (BLAa) that house target-specific projection neurons with distinguishable cell body and dendritic morphologies. Further, we identify brain-wide targets of projection neurons located in the three BLAa domains as well as in the posterior BLA (BLAp), ventral BLA (BLAv), lateral (LA), and posterior basomedial (BMAp) nuclei. Projection neurons that provide input to each nucleus are also identifed. Functional characterization of some projection-defined BLA neurons were demonstrated via optogenetic and recording experiments. Hypotheses relating function to connection-defined BLA cell types are proposed.
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