Both hygienic and non-hygienic honeybee, Apis mellifera, colonies remove dead and diseased larvae from open brood cells

Hygienic behaviour is a group defence in which dead or diseased individuals are excluded. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, hygienic behaviour refers to uncapping and removing dead and diseased larvae and pupae from sealed brood cells. We quantified removal of freeze-killed and chalkbrood-infected larvae from open cells in 20 colonies. We also measured removal of freeze-killed brood from sealed cells. Study colonies ranged from non-hygienic to fully hygienic (52–100% removal within 2 days). All larvae killed in open cells were removed. This shows that all colonies, including those with low hygienic behaviour against dead brood in sealed cells, are highly hygienic against dead brood in open cells and suggests that low hygienic behaviour against dead brood in sealed cells is a trait in its own right. This may also contribute to understanding why hygienic behaviour is uncommon in A. mellifera, which is puzzling as it reduces several diseases without detrimental effects. In particular, the result provides indi...
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