Sustainable Development: Gandhi Approach

Sustainable development means to “fulfill the present needs without compromising the needs of future generation.” Mahatma Gandhi’s way of living is the best example of sustainable development for world. In Mahatma Gandhi words, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not any man’s greed.” The economic development is the most important marker of country’s growth. In order to achieve targets of development, developing and developed countries are irrationally exploiting their natural resources without concerns and understanding of how to exploit and when to exploit. Our lives are widely dependent on availability of the natural resources. If correct balanced is strike between usage of resources and availability of resources than lives of people and integrity of planet could be managed well. However when life is turned into excessive luxury and comfort this balance could break. The concept of the sustainable development is multi-dimensional and multi-modal. “Use and Throw” is not fit for the sustainable development while Reduce- Recycle-Reuse is the best concept of sustainable development as it refers to balancing of needs and usage. Instead of economic development we should focus on environmental development. Before any type of development we should check for ecology and environmental impact, good building might not be good development every time. There should be environmental, social, moral and spiritual balance without all these values development is unperfected proxy for the progress. A specific concern is that those who enjoy the fruits of economic development today may be making future generation worse off by excessively degrading the earth, resources and polluting the earth’s environment. This is fact that environmental damage hurts people today and future. Sustainable development adopted by the world commission of environment present generation should fulfill their needs without compromising the ability of future generation. In my opinion without damaging environment should done any type of development with social, moral and spiritual values. With full values the development will called Sustainable development. New social ethics should be inculcated amongst the children both in school and at home, emphasizing concern for environment, personal growth and peaceful coexistence. Economic growth should mean equitable and sustainable growth. Rate of population growth should be controlled through education and awareness. Resources must be conserved through judicious use and recycled.
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