Field studies on the surveillance of Coquillettidia crassipes (Van der Wulp) and the isolation of a strain of Cardiofilaria in peninsular Malaysia.

Surveillance methods for Coquillettidia crassipes were studied in an open housing estate near Kuala Lumpur using three types of traps Trinidad 10 trap, modified Lard can trap and IMR trap, each baited with chicken or pigeon. All traps attracted Cq. crassipes. There was no significant difference in the catches in the three traps. There was also no significant difference between chicken and pigeon as bait. Catches at heights of 1·5, 3, 4·5 and 6 m did not show any significant difference in density. Cq. crassipes was active at night with an early peak during the first hour of the night and a minor peak between 0100 and 0200 hours. The activity of the parous and nulliparous sections of the population was similar, except that a higher proportion of the parous females was active during the second peak compared with the nulliparous females. The parous rate was 22·3%, and the probability of survival through one day for two gonotrophic cycles was 0·711 and 0·650. The infection rate for Cardiofilaria was 29 out of ...
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