Age And Growth of Puntius Conchonius (Ham.-Buch.) From Mandal River (District: Pauri Garhwal), Uttarakhand, India

The age estimationof a minor carp, Puntius conchonius from Mandal River,Pauri Garhwal- District, Uttarakhand, India, has been assessed from the 450 specimens collected during July 2003 to June 2005. Using length–frequency method study, it was found that P.conchonius  attains model length of   50mm,60mm and 70mm during first, second and third year respectively. Growth rate of P. conchonius determined by the back calculation method based on dorsal spine was observed that the first ring was formed at an average length was 48.55±6.02mm. The second and third ring were appeared at an average length of 62.02±3.29mm and 67.89± 6.24mm respectively. The annual increment (h) was 48.55mm, 13.47mm and 5.87during first, second and third year respectively. On the basis of present studies, the age determination from length frequency and dorsal spine method compared very well.
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