Szikesvizek mezo- és makrofauna együttesei, populációméretek és táplálkozási kapcsolatok a vízimadarak felé = Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in sodic waters, population sizes and feeding connection to the aquatic birds

2002-ben, 2003-ban a HNP, a KNP es FHNP szikes vizeiben vegeztunk zooplankton es gerinctelen makrofauna vizsgalatokat azzal a cellal, hogy felmerjuk a parkok Europa szerte meltan hires vizimadar populaciok szamara rendelkezesre allo taplalekkinalatot. Osszesen 15 kisrakfaj (9 Cladocera es 6 Copepoda) kerult elő a 85um-es haloval valo szures soran. A rakok denzitasa 4-2728 ind/l kozott, szelsősegesen valtozott. Ezek a fajok a kulonfele uszorecek, kulonosen a kanalas, tőkes es a csorgőrecek szamara nyujtanak jo taplalekforrast. A bentonikus allatok kozul a hemimetabol szervezeteket csak szorvanyosan talaltuk a bentoszban. A feher szikesek fenekfaunaja az ujabb felmereseink szerint is rendkivul szegenyesnek adodott. Az iszapban csak gyűjtesenkent egy-ket arva es torpeszunyogot valamint gyűrűsferget talaltunk. A fertői elarasztott tavak szeliranyos reszenel (koncentralt taplalkozohely) a hullamzashoz kapcsolodo okologiai tenyezők hatnak kiemelkedően. | The sodic ponds are the world famous remnants of ancient wetland in the Carpathian Basin. The aim of this study is to estimate the population sizes of waterfowl in the small sodic ponds, and to complete our knowledge about the feeding parameters of water birds or their regulation effects for the material cycle in the continental sodic waters. In the water, the biomass and the production of the algae are relatively low. The species number and density of the zooplankton are very variable in time and space and the characteristic. In white, sodic waters, only a few Oligochaeta, Chironomida and Ceratopogonida can be found. Parallel with the potential and the real food supply examinations, the guild groups of aquatic birds also studied. We divided them into three guild groups the aquatic bird species. These were the transporters, the accelerators and bioturbation accelerates. From the territories, 115 aquatic bird species were found. 15 species of material transporters, mainly the grazer geese (41 ind/ha density). The dabbling ducks and the Coot's max. individual number was 50601 (density 68 ind/ha). In the white sodic ponds, analysis of alimentary canals of birds and feeding experiments showed that the regulations of organic material and energy cycle in these waters instead of the 'bottom-up' regulation, the important. In these waters, the roles of the fishes missing replace by the nourishment, defecations and mechanical effects of the aquatic bird guilds.
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