Differential expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in cardiac segments of gnathostome vertebrates and its evolutionary implications

Background Immunohistochemical studies of hearts from the lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes) revealed that the pan-myosin heavy chain (pan-MyHC) antibody MF20 homogeneously labels all the myocardium, while the pan-MyHC antibody A4.1025 labels the myocardium of the inflow (sinus venosus and atrium) but not the outflow (ventricle and conus arteriosus) cardiac segments, as opposed to other vertebrates. We hypothesized that the conventional pattern of cardiac MyHC isoform distribution present in most vertebrates, i.e. MYH6 in the inflow and MYH7 in the outflow segments, has evolved from a primitive pattern that persists in Chondrichthyes. In order to test this hypothesis, we conducted protein detection techniques to identify the MyHC isoforms expressed in adult dogfish cardiac segments and to assess the pan-MyHC antibodies reactivity against the cardiac segments of representative species from different vertebrate groups.
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