Propagation of Black Plum (Vitex donania Sweet) Using Stem and Root Cuttings in the Ecological Conditions of South Benin

Summary The black plum is a multi-purpose tree well known to the rural and urban populations of tropical Africa. Its uses are well documented, but its regeneration possibilities have not yet been studied, despite the importance of this species. The objective of this study is to ensure that this tree can be propagated from other organs instead of seeds. In order to achieve this, a trial propagation, using stem and root cuttings, was conducted on two types of substrate: topsoil at the planting site (sand mixed with poultry manure) and soil taken from undergrowth at the forest research station in Pobe, which focuses on the oil palm tree. The trial was based on a randomised complete block, two factors and four treatments. The results show that it substrats: la terre de surface du lieu de l’implantation is possible to propagate black plum trees from stem cuttings (46.62% of developed cuttings) but especially from root cuttings (96.25% of developed cuttings). The compared treatments significantly utilise pour cet essai est un bloc aleatoire complet influenced the recovery rate of the cuttings. The first leaf produced by the stem cuttings is multi-lobed (3-5 lobes), while that produced by root cuttings is generally single-lobed. One year after transplanting, the substrate (2/3 sand and 1/3 chicken manure in volume) produced the best
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