A Symbolic Approach to Detecting Hardware Trojans Triggered by Don't Care Transitions

Due to the globalization of Integrated Circuit (IC) supply chain, hardware trojans and the attacks that can trigger them have become an important security issue. One type of hardware Trojans leverages the don't care transitions in Finite State Machines (FSMs) of hardware designs. In this paper, we present a symbolic approach to detecting don't care transitions and the hidden Trojans. Our detection approach works at both RTL and gate-level, does not require a golden design, and works in three stages. In the first stage, it explores the reachable states. In the second stage, it performs an approximate analysis to find the don't care transitions. In the third stage, it performs a state-space exploration from reachable states that have incoming don't care transitions to find behavioral discrepancies with respect to what has been observed in the first stage. We also present a pruning technique based on the reachability of FSM states. We present a methodology that leverages both RTL and gate-level for soundness and efficiency. Specifically, we show that don't care transitions must be detected at the gate-level, i.e., after synthesis has been performed, for soundness. However, under specific conditions, Trojan detection can be performed more efficiently at RTL. Evaluation of our approach on a set of benchmarks from OpenCores and TrustHub and using gate-level representation generated by two synthesis tools, Yosys and Synopsis Design Compiler (SDC), shows that our approach is both efficient (up to 10X speedup w.r.t. no pruning) and precise (0% false positives) in detecting don't care transitions and the Trojans that leverage them. Additionally, the total analysis time can achieve up to 3.40X (using Yosys) and 2.52X (SDC) speedup when synthesis preserves the FSM structure and the Trojan detection is performed at RTL.
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