Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity of Different Phytochemicals Against Enteric Diseases in Different Animal Models

Abstract Prokaryotes, the root of evolutionary tree, are still ruling the world by various means. It could be a mutualistic relationship or an opportunistic one. Increase in size of animals subsequently brings the necessity of enhancing the complexity of body plan. With this advancement, host-microbe alliance keeps increasing. Our gut offers a perfect stay to a huge number of microfloras which tends to have more count with the proximity of anus. A study of decades clearly shows the importance of gut microflora in maintaining our immune system as well as body homeostasis. Simultaneously, there are reports on the possibility of violence of symbiotic association causing virulence by a number of pathogenic microbes. Though our gut has a diverse and effective defense system including components of both innate and adaptive immunity, it cannot always rescue body from the harmful deeds. A handsome number of antimicrobials are in use to combat microbial infections, but at the same time, there exist many negative aspects including the emergence of multi drug resistant (MDR), etc. In this scenario, various phytochemicals from our “oldest savior” plants and its products come to play either as therapeutic agent or as prophylactic remedy. Here, some reported plant products and phytochemicals ameliorating enteric diseases are discussed with their compositional values. A number of animal models are sharply described for a better understanding of enteric bacterial infections. These models, however, are also very useful to study the antimicrobial activity of different phytochemicals. The animal models of respective enteric bacterial infection can also enlighten to study the effect of different phytochemicals, which is the need of the hour. In future, there will be a better remedial finding to fight enteric diseases with the help of phytochemicals and suitable animal models.
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