Legal certainty information in learning objects me tadata: an analysis of resources in public repositories

There are numerous metrics centered on the estimati on of parameters as the quality and the reuse in le arning objects. The present study is centred on the definition of t he legal certainty on learning objects, understood as the quantity of legal information contained and extracted from the metadata of this. Taking this as a starting point, we establish a quantitative measurement of legal certainty, as rel evant input to study its influence in the theoretic al reusability of the learning objects. The article presents the methods and results obtained from an analysis of an importa nt sample of objects brought from the repositories Merlot and eL era, in order to extract which are the legal items that influence decisively on the estimation of the legal certainty of the same ones, and that in the same way, they a llow to measure statistically the influence that finally they have on the reutilization of these objects on the part o f the user.
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