Insight from innovation: Editors' introduction

Ceramic studies represent one of the most rapidly expanding frontiers of modern-day archaeology. 'Insight from Innovation' taps into the most exciting developments currently underway in this field and demonstrates that innovative approaches to archaeological ceramics can open up avenues for research that enrich our understanding of past societies across the world and through all periods. Presented in honour of Professor David Peacock's lasting contributions to archaeological ceramic studies and building on his legacy of innovative approaches, 'Insight from Innovation' contains chapters by leading and emerging scholars who address the latest trends in archaeological ceramic studies. Integrating original analysis and fieldwork with in-depth interpretation, pottery is approached not as an end in itself but as a vehicle for addressing a wide range of archaeological questions. Topics include cutting-edge provenancing techniques, computer-aided analysis and visualisation, and contemporary craft and design perspectives. The book transcends traditional specialism and period boundaries, and closes with a compelling discussion of the role of ceramic studies in archaeological practice.
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