KURIKULUM AKHLAQ SANTRI TAHFIDZ AL-QUR’AN TINGKAT SMP (Analisis Kitab Tazkiyatun Nafsi Karya Ibnu Taimiyah dan SMP IT El Ma’mur Bogor)

Abstrak SULHAN. Kurikulum  Akhlaq Santri Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Tingkat SMP (Analisis Kitab Tazkiyatun Nafsi Karya Ibnu Taimiyah dan SMP IT El Ma’mur Bogor). Dibimbing oleh Abas Mansur Tamam dan Anung Al-Hamat. Wajah pendidikan di Indonesia terus mengalami degradasi yang sangat mengkhwatirkan diantaranya hilangnya nilai-nilai moral, etika dan akhlaq. Banyak terjadi tawuran, pergaulan bebas, LGBT, melakukan aborsi, peredaran narkoba Kurangnya rasa hormat anak-anak terhadap guru di sekolah. Juga tidak jarang ditemukan santri yang pacaran, kasus kekerasan, kasus pencabulan, menonton video porno, mengkonsumsi miras dan bahkan obat- obat terlarang. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, dalam metode penelitiannya menggunakan metode library research (studi pustaka) dan lapangan. Sebagai riset lapanganya dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yakni membuat satu bentuk kurikulum akhlaq santri tahfidz al-qur’an untuk tingkat SMP. Dalam pembuatan kurikulum berpedoman pada komponen utama kurikulum yaitu komponen tujuan, komponen materi, komponen metode dan komponen evaluasi. Abstract SULHAN. The Akhlaq Santri Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Curriculum for Junior High School (Analysis of the Tazkiyatun Nafsi Book by Ibn Taimiyah and SMP IT El Ma'mur Bogor). Supervised by Abas Mansur Tamam and Anung Al-Hamat. The face of education in Indonesia continues to experience degradation which is very worrying, including the loss of moral, ethical and moral values. There are many brawls, promiscuity, LGBT, abortion, drug trafficking. Children's lack of respect for teachers at school. It is also not uncommon to find students who are dating, cases of violence, cases of obscenity, watching pornographic videos, consuming alcohol and even illegal drugs. This type of literature research is qualitative, in its research method using library research and field research methods. As a field research, the author also conducts research by conducting interviews and observations. After that, the results will be analyzed critically so that it becomes a systematic and complete theory. The results of this study are to create a curriculum for the morality of tahfidz al-qur'an students for the junior high school level. In making the curriculum, it is guided by the main components of the curriculum, namely the objective component, material component, method component and evaluation component.
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