T06-O-05 Sexuality and affective relationships in the pyromaniac

Classic literature has already given prominence to the association between sexuality and pyromania. Freud placed the last one among the disorders related to the anal phase; Jung projected it in a more collective prospective, explainable through the symbolism of the fire; Krafft Ebing provided a multidisciplinary vision linked to the genetic, psychosexual, and forensic aspect, finally Fenichel makes a distinction between the neurotic subject, forced to perform unpleasant actions to lessen anguish, and the perverted one, who performs, usually, pleasant actions dictated by an instinct. Objectives The Author wants to recall the specialists’attention with the aim to try a clearer definition of the phenomenon, to distinguish it from vandalism and incendiary acts and, mainly, to define a clinic of the treatment to more adequately answer to the pyromaniac patient. Results From studies on pyromania and treated clinical cases, the Author noticed the pyromaniac's incapacity to live a healthy sexual life, as well as healthy affective relationships. He tends to avoid the coitus to avoid confrontation with his incapacity and psychological impotence, this leave him with a frustration feeling that brings him to accumulate desire (tension) that leads to an acting-out. Conclusions The Author found out a lack in the present day literature and, therefore, concludes that, nowadays, the attention related the specific theme is exclusively sectoral, while he believes it is worth examining thoroughly, using an integrated approach.
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