Protocol data management in biology laboratories: proposal for developing a system

EnglishOrganizing information objective is to disseminate the information objects effectively to the users. It is a complex but important task that uses elements such as the form and informational content of documents. Organized information is a prerequisite for an efficient organization. The goal of this study is to discuss the proposal of developing a system to organize protocol information from biological laboratories capable of managing protocol data. Research laboratories are examples of organizations that have a diverse and complex set of data that must be well organized. Their flow of information needs to be mapped identifying people, information sources, technology used as well as products and services. In this paper we describe the development of the FluxP system to organize information on protocols from a Biology Research Laboratory — The Animal Venoms and Toxins Laboratory (LVTA) from Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil. The following methodological procedures were adopted: technical visits, construction of a tool to manage the protocols (FluxP forms), categorization of the protocols used in the LVTA and experimental tests with 3 LVTA researchers. As a result, we highlight some features like: FluxP is able to manage protocol data making it simple to store and retrieve protocols to aid in the experimental work, increasing the reliability of experiments and helping reduce experimental errors. By establishing a central repository for protocols FluxP prevents protocols from being misplaced or lost and by categorizing them it makes simple to retrieve protocols based on keywords. The system is currently being used by LVTA to manage a collection of 50 protocols, and can be easily adapted for other laboratories. portuguesO objetivo da organizacao da informacao e disseminar objetos informacionais para os usuarios. E uma tarefa complexa e importante que usa elementos como a forma e o conteudo informacional dos documentos. O organizacao da informacao e um pre-requisito para uma organizacao eficiente. Laboratorios de pesquisa sao exemplos de organizacoes que tem uma necessidade informacional rica e complexa, que precisa ser bem organizada. O fluxo da informacao nestas organizcoes precisa ser mapeado identificando pessoas, fontes informacionais, tecnologias usadas alem de produtos e servicos. Neste trabalho apresentamos o sistema FluxP para organizar a informacao sobre protocolos em um laboratorio de pesquisas biologicas, o Laboratorio de Venenos e Toxinas Animais (LVTA), da UFMG. O sistema FluxP e capaz de gerenciar os protocolos simplificando o armazenamento e recuperacao de protocolos para realizacao de experimentos, aumentando a confiabilidade dos mesmos e reduzindo erros experimentais. Por estabelecer um repositorio central para protocolos, FluxP garante que protocolos nao serao perdidos categorizando os mesmos e simplificando sua recuperacao atraves de palavras chave. O sistema esta atualmente sendo usado pelo LVTA para gerenciar uma colecao de 50 protocolos, e pode ser facilmente adaptavel para outros laboratorios.
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