Structural brain differences in alcohol dependent subjects with and without comorbid affective pathology – a cMRI study

There is a paucity of reports on structural brain differences comparing alcohol dependent subjects with and without comorbid affective pathology. 3-T MRI (Siemens MAGNETOM Trio) scans of 115 alcohol dependent subjects with or without affective comorbid diagnoses that underwent qualified detoxification inpatient treatment were evaluated using a T1-weighted, 3D-MPRAGE sequence. Variables for severity of dependence were analysed. Alcohol dependent subjects compared to alcohol dependent subjects with comorbid affective pathology showed a higher level of cerebral atrophy in the entire brain. Distinct areas in the frontal, parietal, cerebellar, rigth temporal, and left insular region showed specific atrophy patterns. Patients without affective comorbidity had significantly higher Gamma-GT levels and higher MCH, however, no differences in alcohol intake, duration of addiction and CDT. Alcohol addicted subjects without comorbid affective disorder display a significantly greater cerebral atrophy compared to comorbid patients. The results suggest that affective comorbidity may have a protective role for cerebral atrophy in patients with alcohol dependence. Higher atrophy and GGT values combined with comparable alcohol intake and duration of addiction may hint on a higher sensitivity for alcoholtoxic effects in non-comorbid subjects. This study was supported by EUSARNAD (Marie Curie International Research Staff Exhange Scheme Program).
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