Modelo BRAN-RS para la enseñanza de la conductometría electrónica sin verificación radiográfica a alumnos de licenciatura: estudio piloto. BRAN-RS model for teaching electronic root canal length measurement without X-ray confirmation by undergraduate students: A pilot study.

Purpose: T o demonstrate how two undergraduate students perform electronic root canal measurement without X-ray confi rmation using the BRAN-RS model. Material and methods: Six permeable root canals (4 mesial and 2 distal) from two natural molars; Raypex ® 6 electronic apex locator; acrylic typodont; and alginate. The teeth were inserted in the molar space, which had been widened and fi lled with alginate. The lip clip was placed below the typodont. An access cavity was made in each molar and the entrance to the root canal located and widened using a number 4 Gates-Glidden drill. Once the Raypex ® device was connected, a number 15 or 20 K-fi le was gently introduced into each canal and the measurement circuit closed using the fi le clip. The position of the fi le within the foramen was shown on the screen in the form of a red bar and a red dot. The fi le was readjusted within the fi rst two yellow bars and secured using a light-cured resin. The molars were removed from the alginate, then diaphonized and evaluated under a clinical microscope at 16X magnifi cation to confi rm the working length. Results: In the six root canals, the position of the fi le relative to the apical foramen was 100% accurate. Conclusion: The BRAN-RS model is accurate, easy to perform, and can be used by undergraduate students in the preclinical practice of root canal measurement.
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