Half and quarter metals in rhombohedral trilayer graphene.

Ferromagnetism is most common in transition metal compounds but may also arise in low-density two-dimensional electron systems, with signatures observed in silicon, III-V semiconductor systems, and graphene moir\'e heterostructures. Here we show that rhombohedral trilayer graphene hosts ferromagnetic states characterized by spontaneous polarization of the electrons into one or more spin- and valley flavors. Using capacitance measurements on graphite-gated van der Waals heterostructures, we find a cascade of density- and electronic displacement field tuned phase transitions marked by negative electronic compressibility. The transitions define the boundaries between phases where quantum oscillations have either four-fold, two-fold, or one-fold degeneracy, associated with a spin and valley degenerate normal metal, spin-polarized `half-metal', and spin and valley polarized `quarter metal', respectively. For electron doping, the salient features are well captured by a phenomenological Stoner model with a valley-anisotropic Hund's coupling, likely arising from interactions at the lattice scale. For hole filling, we observe a richer phase diagram featuring a delicate interplay of broken symmetries and transitions in the Fermi surface topology. Finally, by rotational alignment of a hexagonal boron nitride substrate to induce a moir\'e superlattice, we find that the superlattice perturbs the preexisting isospin order only weakly, leaving the basic phase diagram intact while catalyzing the formation of topologically nontrivial gapped states whenever itinerant half- or quarter metal states occur at half- or quarter superlattice band filling. Our results show that rhombohedral trilayer graphene is an ideal platform for well-controlled tests of many-body theory and reveal magnetism in moir\'e materials to be fundamentally itinerant in nature.
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