Screening of Urdbean (Vigna mungo L.) Germplasm for Resistance to Charcoal Rot Disease

Each of 48 monoconidial isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. obtained from diseased fruits of pepper was classified into strain G or strain R based upon pathogenicity to green and red fruits, morphology of conidia, and cultural characteristics in potato dextrose agar. The strain G was designated for isolates to cause anthracnose symptoms both on green and red fruits. All isolates of the strain G produced conidia abundantly. but produced no perithecia and setae in PDA. Conidia of all isolates in the strain G were attenuated or round at one end. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of strain G was . The mycelia of strain G in PDA appeared to be whitish when young, and turned to be dark in old culture. Symptoms on pepper fruits caused by the strain G were somewhat sunken to be circular to elliptical lesions. Yellowish conidial masse were observed at the center of lesions, and the lesions turned to irregular shape and to reddish brown color in the later stage of disease development. No setae were visible on the acervuli. The strain R was designated for isolates to cause anthracnose symptoms only on red fruits of pepper. All isolates of the strain R produce conidia, and perithecia of Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spauld. & v. Sch. in PDA. Some isolates of the strain R produced setae in culture under fluorescent light. Conidia of all isolates in the strain R were round and blunt at the ends. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth of strain R was the same as that of strain G. The mycelial growth of strain R was faster than that of strain G in PDA. The mycelia of strain R in PDA appeared to be gray to dark. Symptoms on pepper fruits caused by the strain R were circular to irregular black ring-spots Short setae or no setae were visible on the acervuli.
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